sunnuntai 3. huhtikuuta 2016

Thrifted Treasures - part 1

Hello peeps!

I thought it was about time for me to start a blog post series, how exciting! I figured it could be somewhat cool to every once in a while show what things I have brought home with me from thrift shops and such. Since I was feeling more practical than creative, I decided to name the series thrifted treasures. Without further ado, let's get started!

These teddy in my pockets (or teddies in my pocket?) I actually sneaked out of my dads convention table. I was eyeing the pair from the get-go and decided that if nobody had purchased them after two days I would have to give them a home. So that I did. The one sitting and holding a sailboat is Harry from the 1995 Bear Watch set and the honey holder is Sarah from the Birthday set. The original Sarah from the Birthday toy set holds a yellow honey jar and this blue colored variation could be found in Kellogg's cereal boxes in 1996 alongside four other color variation teddies from different sets.
Mr. (or Mrs...) Tepig here is from the same convention lot but this one I snatched for myself right away. It is from the McDonald's Pokémon Black and White Happy Meal toy set from 2011. It's tail is supposed to light up, I believe, but mine is out of battery. A totally fixable imperfection, of course.
Picture from McDonald's Wikia
Then to the actual thrift finds. On Easter Saturday I dragged my unwilling sister and boyfriend to go for a little thrift round and maaan was I happy that I did. I found these two maneki-neko Hello Kitties from a Red Cross charity store and they are so insanely awesome that I had to get both. I believe that the yellow one grants good luck with money and the green one with school success but I might be totally wrong and am open for corrections. Google tells me these came from a set of seven and I am missing a pink, white, black, blue and red kitty. Oh and also these are in near perfect condition and cost me 2 €. Happy!
The final sextet came in a bag of figures. The seller had a number of Pokémon figures for sale but unfortunately most of them were clear booties and this bag was by far the best and the only one worth buying. One bag contained a Dragonair kid figure that is high up on my wants list but 5 € was just too salty for one kid and a few worthless bootlegs. The most exciting figures that I got were these Topps candy Heatran and Abomasnow. They are both in near mint condition and these figures from the 2009 Pikachu edition (check out my Topps Pokémon figure blog post if you haven't already) are just so well made, nice and heavy. I once ran into the clear, limited edition version or the set's Pikachu and DIDN'T BUY IT. Yeah what's up with that?
These Topps' Sceptile and Latias were also missing from my collection and thereby great finds. Sceptile is from the 2004 Advanced-2 release and Latias from the 2003 Advanced release which were both underrepresented sets in my collection. Both are also in great condition. Sceptile even looks really cool and the paint job is done very nicely, but Latias looks a little sad for a legendary Pokémon. Come on, look at it. It is also a tad weird that they didn't make a Latios to go with it.
The final two figures in the bag were booties. I found the same Zekrom being sold on various web sites as a "Pokémon Black and White Action Figure" but the figure's paint job is so off that it just can't be legit, right?  The Entei on the other hand is a much clearer case. The actual sculpt is not too bad and the material is quite nice so I'm kind of toying with the idea of getting acrylic paint and turning it into a nice custom.
So there's my first set of thrifted treasures! Right after I took the pictures for this post I made more finds so it might be that part two is out sooner than later. As always, comments and opinions would be great! Also feel free to just leave a hello if you come across this young blog of mine, that would be cool


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