tiistai 29. maaliskuuta 2016

The Kinder Surprise Spectacle of 2016

... Or that is what I thought.

During Easter time my mom tends to treat her grown-up daughters with a 24 pack of Kinder Surprise eggs, and this year was no exception. The tradition started in Easter 2012 when Kinder's Barbapapa figures were all the rage here in Finland. I got extremely lucky and got the whole set of nine from my our 24 pack. Then came the SpongeBob set and our family Kinders contained all figures but one. I even remember feeling quite pleased after getting so many of the Mickey Mouse and friends figures last year even though I wasn't quite impressed by the set itself. So basically, the 24 packs have been really really good. Until now.
Maybe it is because I broke the golden rule of 24 by getting six more girly eggs (it is the first year we have those, who can blame me?) but this heap of chocolate was not liking me and quite frankly I was not liking it back. Liking back the toys, the chocolate is amazing, of course. 

I was especially looking forward to the Disney Princess Palace Pets set (hence the extra eggs) and the new Natoons sets. Here's what happened:
I managed to get ONE princess, ONE pet and one stupid ring. I so so much wanted to get as many of these as possible since the sticker and fabric parts might not be so nice second hand, and the super cute mirrors could be a pain to find. My mega-wants were Cinderella's puppy, Aurora and Aurora's cat so at least I got one of those. I was really surprised to find how huge the princess figures actually are and that made me want the whole set even more. Sob.
Unlike the Palace Pets, Natoons can be found in both pink and regular eggs so the chances should have been pretty good. I thought the new set of big cats was totally neat. The stands looked really nice and there's even a flocked version of the lion and the tiger. Goes without saying I really wanted some.
Well I didn't get some, I got one. (It's the lynx - I had to include the lion I got before in the picture because it was all just too sad and depressing.) At least the lynx is one of my favorites - go arctic animals!
The other brand new set of Natoons was no less exiting. If something comes with baby animals I'm pretty much sold. So did I get lucky?
Not so much. I had my hopes up for a complete family but the other monkey is a duplicate daddy. I am very much a supporter of gay rights so I guess it's not too bad though, haha.
The main, more "collectable"set in the regular eggs this year was about Kung Fu Panda 3. I've seen the first movie and I don't hate it but even so I could't find myself getting excited over the set. So OBVIOUSLY I got quite many. The 12 regular eggs I had contained these four but I have three other ones that I got from pre-Easter eggs. Meh.
The cute animals with rings and the mermaid were positive surprises that I would not have minded getting more of. The girly bug and the flower girl are both alright but not enough for me to want to collect the whole set.
Similarly, these Natoon dogs fall into the category of sorta good but not good enough. The felt eared koala Natoon is a duplicate from a set that was already available last year.
The remaining eleven surprises are surprising only in their lameness. See for yourself:
So all in all these 30 Kinder eggs gave me five figures of interest and three surprise extras. I might try to collect the whole Kung Fu Panda set just for the heck of it since I'm already so close, but even then I probably would just sell it to an actual fan of the movies.

I sincerely hope others had better luck than me this year! I would love to hear if anyone got any gems or even complete sets out of their surprise eggs this Easter and if there is someone else collecting Kinder toys out there. Also, let me know if you agree with my likes and dislikes or do I just fail to see the beauty in some of these, haha!

I promise that the next update will be a little more chipper!

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