perjantai 22. huhtikuuta 2016

Thrifted Treasures - part 2

There's a big, biannual flea market event taking place at my home town this weekend which is why I've lately been purposely avoiding thrifting. However, a few weeks ago a local child welfare organization hosted an all-things-children thrift event that was just too good to pass. Also, I might have bought a little something something online... Anyways, I have plenty to show in this second coming of TT!
The child welfare event took place at a shopping mall and was swarming with people from the moment the doors opened. Luckily, most shoppers were mainly interested in children's clothes and I could dig through the toy bins in peace. I could have easily spent triple the amount of money I spent, but I kept my cool and stayed reasonable. Well done me!

First, I found a set of fourteen PokéKids in very good condition. Fourteen! For 6 euros! Most often I see kids priced at 2 € a figure. There was even an attack figure in the lot (see my previous post on kid figures) so I was a pretty happy camper after finding these.
These five figures were amazingly from the same release, which is the Best Wishes: Pignite Set from 2011. Comically, the sets name character Pignite, the coffin Pokémon Cofagrigus and the multiplying Pokémon Reuniclus are all rocking the same pose. Purrloin and Darmanitan, on the other hand, have the same exact eyebrow shape and are both eye-candy worthy with their pretty colors. All of these, except for Cofagrigus, are the only Kid figures made of their representative Pokémon.

2011 was not only the year of Pignite but also Servine and Dewott got their own releases. I was really satisfied to find out my bag of Kids came with all the mid-evolutions of the Unova starters! Tranquill is from the Servine set and Victini from the Dewott set. Servine and Dewott figures are, too, the only Servine and Dewott Kids ever made.
I could have sworn this Roselia was an attack figure but sadly it isn't. It is too pretty though! It's from the very first Diamond and Pearl release from 2006 that includes the cute stretchy face Pikachu. Wouldn't mind finding that one too! Quite surprisingly the Magmortar here is, instead, an attack figure (Attack Pokémon Kids DP 2, 2009). Apparently it's about to blast out flamethrower which suits me totally fine don't get me wrong. This Yamask (Best Wishes: Reshiram Zekrom Set, 2010) is also the only Yamask Kid ever made.

Misdreavus is the oldest of the bunch, from the third set of New Pokémon Kids II from 2000. It's "hair" is pretty funky but I don't really mind, especially when it is in such good condition despite the figure's old age. Mime Jr. was the last figure in the Kids bag and it's from the 8th Diamond & Pearl release from 2008.

Mime Jr. is cute, I guess, but truthfully it is the Vaporeon that grabs my attention. I got it from another seller and it was a total steal priced at 1 € INCLUDING a Topps Lucario that I was also missing (see below). Vaporeon is indeed one of the top 25 Pokémon that I mentioned in my PokéKids blog post. This figure is from the National Pokédex 3 set from 2009 but there are in total six different Vaporeon Kids (+ clear versions) and uuuugh I want them all! I am not complaining though - this one is especially nice looking with the puppy-like playful pose. And again, it is in near-mint condition!

Since these new ones make up for most of my still very small Kids collection, I thought I might as well so the rest here too, even if these following Kids are not recent finds.
This Zapdos is by far my oldest Kid and I somewhat consider it as a grail of some sort. It's from 1998, from the fifth release of Kids AND my only clear Kid! AND a legendary. AND from the 1st generation. Oh the possibilities of collecting... Rampardos is in pretty worn-out condition but its pose is super dynamic and it's just fun to look at.  ◕‿◕ It's from the Diamond & Pearl 4 -set, from 2007.

Corsola and Buneary are also from my favorites list ❤ and that Pikachu is one of my favorite Pikachu Kids. I found Corsola and Buneary from a thrift shop that had sooo overpriced them but I still think I would have regretted not buying them. Corsola is from 2000 (New Pokémon Kids II 2) and Buneary is an attack Kid from 2009 (Attack Pokémon Kids DP 2). Oh, and the attack it's making is healing wish (cccuuuute!). The Pikachu I got from my dad ages ago and it's from 2002 (Advance 1 set).

These are all the PokéKids I've found so far. It's actually really exciting to have so few, since my collection could still go anywhere from here. And it still feels really special to find a new one.Next I would love to find a grass-type favorite since it's fo sheez my favorite type. Maybe a Bulbasaur or a Cherubi hm hm...

I already know this is going to be a monster of a post so let's keep on going:
The Lucario Topps figure (2007) came with the Vaporeon Kid and I did not have it yet so it was a nice bonus. The teensy Topps Taillow (2005) was a 20 cent find from basically a box of trash. The Koffing is an awesome find - it's from the first release of Tomy's Monster Collection and my second ever MonColle figure! Also, it was cheap, yesss. Besides, how cool is that smokey stand? Love it (even if it's a little too clear to be something that came out of a Koffing, hah)!
My final purchase of the day was one of the Zodiac Hello Kitty figures (by Dolci Preziosi). These came out of Hello Kitty surprise eggs this Easter and I was missing the scorpio, so this was definitely a happy find.
Like I've told, my dad also actively thrifts nice things for me. The credit for this 2009 Topps Hippowdon and the armless and tailless Electivire Zukan goes 100% to him. Zukan figures are really cool: zukan is Japanese for Pokédex and the figures are all in scale according to their Pokédex measurements. Can I just say the Wailord is HUGE!
The last but boy oh boy not the least treasures I've thrifted lately are these beautiful Zizzlinger Disney princesses I snatched from a second hand group on Facebook. Zizzlingers are quite hard to explain so it's best that you just watch this video. They were sold back in the day and I'm devastated that I wasn't a toy collector then because these are gorgeous! They are glittery, they are princesses, the sculpts and paint jobs are spot on and each figure looks completely different from the facial expression to the pose. I also adore the "secondary outfits" of Disney princesses and Zizzlingers is all about those from the end scene wedding dresses to the outfits shown for ten seconds during random songs. Aurora's peasant "Briar Rose" dress has to be one of my favorites. I have noticed it's really hard to find Zizzlingers, but that, sort of, makes the hunt even more exciting. I love these to bits.

Hope this wasn't too much of a TL;DR situation. What can I say, I like talking about the things I like.

Anyways, Google Analytics tells me I've got readers all the way from Venezuela to Russia and lots of places in between. Many of you come from e.g. Denmark, Switzerland and the UK. Like I said, I really enjoy the occasional toy-talk, now I just need to get you guys commenting for it to not be one sided. I know you're out there, the ball is in your court!


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