sunnuntai 21. elokuuta 2016

New collections. New collections everywhere.

I am starting to believe that I'm able to get excited about pretty much anything toy-wise (except, of course, about Paw Patrol and Littlest Pet Shop, blah). This thought stems from the previously uninteresting figurines that have on the sly found their places in my collection.

So my sister is probably going to kill me for this first one, but I've noticed I reeeaaaally like the idea of Pez-dispensers. They're just so collectable, you know? And they look so nice and tall on a shelf contrasting all the mini-figures. 
So far I only have these three Sanrio Pezes (what the hay hay is the correct plural anyway?), but I've decided I'm on the lookout for more. Still, I am limiting my hunt only to the cute(st) ones. Sanrio, Pokémon, some Disney dispensers and mayyybe My Little Pony are acceptable. So no Garfield, Spiderman or Darth Vader for me. For now. At least.

But can I just say the Hello Kitty with the little bunny on top is one of my favorite, if not my absolute favorite Hello Kitty. A few days ago I found a surprise egg figurine of her too, ah!

I've known about Moshi Monsters for a long time but I've never really paid much attention. A few weeks ago I bought some toys online and the poodle and the gingerbread man came as a part of the deal. After that I was sold and quickly expanded my Moshling collection. What can I say, the cuteness was unbearable and their names are so adorable and it won't be a life long project to collect the complete first series (the best one imho). I even have one ultra rare already, wohoo!

I think it was in my previous blog post where I mentioned I was not gonna go crazy over the Disney x Lego minifigures. Weeeeell now I have eleven. And I want more. End of story.

The last group of toys that have sneaky sneaked into my heart are dog figures. Yes I have always loved Puppy in my Pockets but mainly for nostalgic reasons. Lately I've just been too weak to resist the beauty of all kinds of plastic poopies. Schleich dogs are obviously gorgeous and the poses give each individual dog a personality. I love the playful st. bernard and husky puppies but my favorite is the fox terrier  And I really want all the schnauzers, bearded dogs ftw! 
I fully admit Schleich figurines are nicer than Meg ones, but even so I squeal higher when I find a new vintage in my pocket puppy. Especially if its a Love n Sparkle puppy like the poodle wearing a hat!!! I NEED all of them!
And finally, speaking of wonderful dogs, I'm also really into Hello Kitty's pets. Which is a surprise to, um, no one.

Also, P.S. tell me, is the Moshi Monsters game any good? Or will it consume my life?

Byes byes!


perjantai 8. heinäkuuta 2016

An unexpexted find from an unexpected place

So I was just minding my own business at Tokmanni (a sort of Finnish miniature Walmart-equivalent: cheap and often low quality household supplies) looking for storage compartments and slowly wandering towards the unforeseen territories of the back of the store. Ending up at a toy section didn't even cross my mind but there I was, walking down the Lego aisle and spotting nothing other than Lego's Disney Minifigure blind bags just casually waiting for me to go crazy over them on the shelves. And that is exactly what i did. I had had no idea whatsoever that the figures were even available in Finland!

Even the excitement over Lego+Disney doesn't exceed my stinginess and I decided to start small by only getting my number one priority which was, of course, Stitch. Stitch was easily identified by feeling the blind bags because of his larger-than-normal head and very distinguishable ears. Happy me!

Today I ran out of patience and went back to get my second favorites: Alice and Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland. I spent an embarrassingly long time going through ALL the bags and I'm pretty sure there were no Alices available (´◉︵◉`). But I found one Cheshire Cat! And he's beautiful!
The attention to detail of these figures is incredible! The details are painted on neatly (no stickers!) and the characters are fun to assemble (they're Legos so duh). I also like the way Lego has managed to retain the likeness of the characters and yet make them look like legit Legos.
The whole set consists of 18 different figures and even though they are all beautiful (though some more than others [Ariel I'm looking at you]) I don't think I'm going to spend 45€ to buy them all. The hunt for Alice is definitely still on and I'm maybe interested in getting Minnie and Mickey. If Ariel looked a bit more like herself I would definitely be getting her and Ursula (who looks awesome and very much like herself), too.

I am for sure looking forward to a second series of these figures! I would like to see at least Lilo, Cinderella, Baymax and Nick and Judy "legofied". What about you peeps? Let me know 👍(^▽^).

I couldn't resist dropping by a thrift store on my way to Tokmanni and boy am I glad I did since I found a 1999 Cyndaquil Pokémon Kids figure! The first Cyndaquil Kid they ever made! I always keep an eye out especially for starter Kids so this was a great find. And a cute one too! It came in a bag with a small porcelain Digimon mug with a picture of Palmon on it. Palmon and Biyomon were always my favorite Digimons so I dunno, I might even keep it as a little oddity. 
Catch you later!

torstai 9. kesäkuuta 2016

Thrifted Treasures - Part 3

Hello and welcome to parte tres of thrifted treasures!

Since my last blog post I have shifted from languid student life to having an actual adult job, so my time for toys has decreased significantly. Even so I'm not planning on giving up and alas - here I am!

I have not been able to rummage through thrift stores as much as I would like, but luckily nothing stops me from treasure hunting at my dad's place! He's quite the hunter so treasures keep on coming even if I don't move a muscle ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

In my childhood Hello Kitty was more so known for primary colors rather than pink, which is evident in this finger puppet trio from 1988. I cannot believe in how good condition these figures are despite their age! The Kitty herself, the mother (named Mary, I believe) and the sister Mimmy all seem brand new. I know for sure that the set is missing at least the father, both grandparents and three of Kitty's friends but I don't really mind - I'm already glad to have both the sisters (sister power!).
Zizzlinger princesses are always very very very welcome additions to my collection and I'm super happy to announce I got two more! Secondary outfits are my weak spot and Cinderella's mice-made pink dress is one of my all time favorites. So cute! So glittery! I really need to get my hands on a wedding dress one.
These tree stampers are causing me a bit of trouble. I know for sure that they are legit in my pocket merch by MEG but I can't find any information about in my pocket stampers ever been made. Any knowledge on the subject is sincerely welcome. Apparently puppy in my pockets come with a yellow stamp and jungle in my pockets with a green one.
I recently noticed that the Dolci Preziosi surprise egg pencil toppers (that I adore and collect with a passion) come both painted and non-painted (i.e. are just the right colored plastic). After this revelation I decided that I like the painted figures more just because they look better quality-wise but the figures that I had for toys before all this manic collecting and am not willing to pass on are all plasticky ones. So apparently I am now collecting both versions. The right side Clefairy and Pichu are panted and the left side figures are not. Which ones do you prefer?

Also, I noticed that Topps Pokémon figures can have color variations too. Uh oh. The Chatots in the background are clearly painted with a different shade of yellow and black/grey. I have no idea if this is common in Topps figures but as far as I know I haven't run into any differently colored figures before. For now, I'm keeping both and thinking that the other one is an accidental makeshift shiny ಠ◡ಠ.

I also got my hands on two electronic Pikachus that were made 15 years apart. The skinny-chu is a happy meal toy from 2011 and the chubby-chu is a Hasbro toy from 1997. Can you guess which one's still working? Light, sound and all (hint: it's not by McDonalds).

What else. Finnish summer has been sorta rubbish/ sorta ok thus far but I managed to compensate for the lack of photography sessions by putting my loyal Wacom tablet and Photoshop back to use. I also finally started watching Sailor Moon Crystal if you couldn't already tell. Moon prism power maaaake-up!

Until next time fellow sailor senshis! (and other people too, I don't mind if you don't enjoy magical girls [...much]).


sunnuntai 15. toukokuuta 2016

ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ Teddybears ʕ•ᴥ• ʔ


It feels like ages since I've done a collection post. I was experiencing a little bit of a writers block and couldn't decide on what to blog about next. To solve the problem I decided to write about a topic that is very close to my heart and thereby very enjoyable to discuss. If you didn't skip the title you might have guessed that the topic of the day is, indeed, the wonderful Teddy in my Pocket series.
Picture from here

Like other in my pockets, the teddies are also a product of the toy company MEG. It's really hard to find any proper info about in my pockets online, but as I was a TIMP fan already as a child I'd say they came out mostly in the mid-90's. Probably around 1995 and 1996. A wonderful in my pocket checklist and collection website, 90's in my pocket, lists 71 different teddies so there's plenty to collect.

Like I said, I was well-acquainted with Teddy in my Pockets already in my early childhood, when the original in my pocket series were all the rage. In addition to the actual playsets, some teddy figures were available as Kellogg's cereal prizes in Rice Krispies, Coco Pops and Ricicles boxes. Oh how I miss the golden age of cereal toys...

I don't know if it's all just for the sake of nostalgia, but I feel like there is something about the vintage in my pocket series that makes them really nice toys. The figures aren't necessarily very cute, the sculpts can be a bit wonky at times and the same few paint shades are used repeatedly throughout the sets. But they're just so... playable I guess. And very nice to collect, of course. They are nicely sized so storage is not an issue and the vintage teddy bear -look is really unique in comparison to the popular cutsie-wootsie rounded bear style. Not that there's anything wrong with modern, cute teddies - the vintage look is just refreshing.
Rilakkuma, Vintage plush
Unlike with my love n sparkle Puppy in my Pockets, I was smart enough a child to cherish and hold on to my precious teddies. Thanks to that, I'm still a proud owner of the complete picnic set ʕ♡˙ᴥ˙♡ʔ !!! Definitely a grail of mine:
The picnic bears are from 1995 and include the father Gordon, the mother Amanda, the son Russell and the daughter Katie (holding a "kitie" ha ha!). I used to think that the stove top/ toaster/ grill on the blanket was a radio ʕ→ᴥ←ʔ. Anyways, I'm really glad I still have this set because it would probably be nearly impossible to find the "picnic area part" anywhere outside eBay.

Besides the picnic set, I owned one other teddy in the 90's. Grandad George (in the middle) is one of the Kellogg's cereal box teddies from 1996. Later I've found Sarah (honey jar) and Nicholas (sunglasses) to accompany him. These Kellogg's figures are slightly more cheaply made than the store bought teddies and even the plastic used is a little different. Whatever.
My final teddy figures are Harry, from the 1995 Bear Watch set, and the flower-holding Emily. I'm a little confused about her since in old promotion pictures she is one of the cereal box figures, but unlike the others she doesn't have a Kellogg's stamp on her back. Her included, I'm only missing the grandma Emma figure to complete the cereal set! Mwahaha! Besides Emma, I'm most interested in finding figures from the Wedding set, the Lullabear set and obviously the Love n Sparkle set.
It is downright impossible for me to decide what In my Pocket series is my favorite. I definitely like the vintage, hard plastic series more than the new flocked figures but the teddies, puppies, kitties and even ponies from the 90's are all equally amazing. Like everybody probably already knows, I'm a huge sucker for all things childhood so above all I'm interested in collecting the exact figures that me and my friends used to own.

Now make me jealous and tell me about your In my Pockets! I was about to ask you to tell me what you have in your pockets... but... that is... not what I mean (⁄ ⁄-⁄ ⁄)

ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ✿✿✿ Tuuli

perjantai 6. toukokuuta 2016

A huge haul and a little DIY

Hello hello!

Twice a year my city holds a huge "flea market" event where hundreds of people fill up the central market square and sell their excess junk to other people who fill the place up even more. I attend every time I can and I've always had a blast!

This time around, me and my dad were lurking around the stalls even before the event started and managed to go through every single table in around five hours - time well spent! I was avoiding toy hunting for quite a while before the event so I could let myself loose and that is exactly what I did.

I bought way too many things to even consider a thorough episode of thrifted treasures so I decided to briefly show the things I found in a form of a haul. I'm super proud that I manned up and (succesfully!) haggled over most of the things I bought.

If there's something you want to know more about just let me know! Also, sorry about the pictures being a little blue. I couldn't resist taking pictures even though it was already quite late and the lighting was rubbish.

That aside, I totally scored with In My Pockets! I found two new kitties, two new puppies, four Jungle In My Pockets and five vintages! Tilt your computer screen to see the Baby Surprise swans...
I also got quite lucky on the Hello Kitty front. I don't collect PEZ (yyyyeeet) but the bunny on top of Hello Kitty's head is too cute to handle and also how could I not purchase anything My Melody? Right? The funky Kitties are Jakks Pacific, the tiny ones are the Sagittarius and the Libra from the zodiac series I've talked about before and the red one is a VINTAGE Kitty from 1987! I love the old-school look of it and it's awesome to own a perfect-condition Hello Kitty figure that is 4 years older than me. The astronauts are this year's Happy Meal toys from a set of four.
I also found a few new Natoons. The flocked cat and dog are missing their hug-partners, the baby ostrich and the leopard are from older sets and the puma, the gorillas and the dinosaur are from this year's releases.
I also grabbed a few derpy Disney princesses from the gold-dressed Zaini surprise egg line. I love how absolutely stupid these look. I mean, come on Cinderella ఠ‿ఠ.
Last but not least I found Pokémon! I found a dozen Topps candies that I was still missing (well actually 11, The Volbeat is an upgrade since my previous one did not have antennae). I'm most excited for the Bulbasaur, Clefairy, Vulpix and Charmander who are all from the late 90's and in A+ condition.
Not only did I find Topps figures but also Dolci Preziosi surprise egg pencil toppers! Yay it had been so long since the last time I found more of these! The Sceptile is a Tomy Choco Ball figure which is really cool too. If only it wasn't missing its stand, boo.
Definitely one of the coolest finds was this Tomy/Hasbro Deluxe Trainers Ash figure from 1999. It cannot have been played with much since it's in such good shape. The Meowth stamper is also from 1999 and it still works!
Nevertheless, my favorite treasure find of the day was this COMPLETE Zukan piece. Well, if one wants to nitpick, the plastic sticks that hold the figures in place are missing but I replaced them with toothpicks and that's just fine. Anyway, the whole set is in mint condition, it cost me only a few cents and the Spinarak is so cute and tiny that it breaks my heart a little a lot. I love the Zukan sets that come with a "personalized" stand instead of the basic circle and gen 2 Pokémon are very close to my heart so I couldn't have asked for a better find ♥.
But wait, there's more! The bug set wasn't the only Zukan of the day! I also got my hands on these Lotad, Mantine (impossible to photograph!), Noctowl, Seel & Dewgong (from the same set) and Huntail Zukans. I really like how these figures are in scale: I had no idea Noctowl was bigger than Dewgong!
The last figure finds were the plumpy Pikachu ornament, J. Franco & Sons Squirtle, the gorgeous Little Mermaid figure from 1992 and the neat tiger from Moomins.
So there you have it! I think I got very lucky this time around and I can't wait to go browse the market again next fall! Did you have favorites?

On a completely different note, making Barbie clothes from scratch has been on my Bucket list for the longest time. I'm decent at crochet but sewing has always been very difficult for me. Yesterday I finally dared to take on the challenge and made a brand new dress for my beloved Generation Girl Barbie... And I love it! So much so that I had to share it here in ze blog.

It wasn't at all easy, especially because I didn't want to use a ready-made pattern, but I'm really liking the end result! I had to make the corset four times before I got it right (enough) and hand-stitching the whole thing without using glue even to prevent the fabric from fraying but I think it totally payed off (✿◠‿◠). I would love to hear comments or tips on the subject! Is anyone else making or interested in making doll clothes? Maybe I should try to crochet a Barbie sweater or something!


torstai 28. huhtikuuta 2016


Am I the only one who keeps a list of "impossible wants"? You know, things that I would hardly even dream of getting in real life but yet enjoy making lists of. Some things are just too expensive or crazy rare in reality, but an excel file is more than nothing now isn't it?

I thought it could be fun if I, just for the heck of it, let myself loose and listed some (quite many) of these crazy, unrealistic wants that are on my list of impossibilities. After writing so many posts on the things I do own it might be refreshing to focus on what i don't.

Let's take baby steps first and start with the things that are (maybe) not MEGA CRAZY DIFFICULT to find. Things that come with a glimpse of hope, I might say.
Wouldn't it be cool to run into a shiny Pokémon? Around 70 Bandai Kid figures of the total ~2000 were made shiny and as you might imagine, I have never ever seen one anywhere outside the internet. If encountering a shiny toy is even half as fun as encountering an in-game shiny (and I imagine it is), the unusually colored Pokémon would instantly become the crown to my collection. But yeaaah I don't really think I'll find one anytime soon. If ever.

Speaking of soon, I found one item on my wants list last weekend!!! I dreamed of owning a complete Zukan figure set, stand and all, and I found one! Now I can proudly say I own a Zenkoku Collection 4, complete capsule 9 set of Ledyba, Ledian, Spinarak, and Ariados. And worry not, you will be seeing plenty of pictures, guaranteed. The Spinarak is so tiny I can't even! I found out that my zukan hunger only grows while eating since I could still imagine wanting the original ghost trio showcased up in the picture... and a few others.

I'll tell you, numero tres is pretty darn high in the impossible wants list. I owned that set of Love and sparkle Puppy in my pocket puppies in the 90's but my mom force-donated them to my younger cousin when I grew out of the playing phase. I LOVED those glittery dogs and I still do. To ease the pain I keep the lonely trophy (that I still have) in my collection cabinet, but I'm pretty desperate to find the puppies to go with it.

Number four is plain and simple: I would go crazy over anything Baymax. Big Hero 6 is awesome and Baymax is one of those love at first sight characters. He's on this list because either people don't own any Baymax merch or they don't want to sell it forward since I have never seen anything having even remote resemblance to him in thrift stores. Luckily the movie is fairly recent so there's still hope.
And then to the totally crazy business. First, it would be awesome to get my hands on the Pokémon pins that are coming out with the 20th anniversary trading card game Mythical Collection Boxes! I've watched many unboxing videos on YouTube and the pins look so nicely made and shimmery and glossy and everything  The boxes are being sold in Finland, but they are not too cheap and I don't think the people who spend their money on them will be selling their pins anytime soon.

Because I'm a sucker for quality, I would love to own a few Amiibos such as the beauuuuutiful Princess Peach. I have a thing for figures whose dresses are not solid lumps but show some leg underneath ..but not in a perverted way. Also, I'm not even ashamed to admit that I'm a complete narutard and would love me some nice looking Naruto figures. I don't care what the rest of the world thinks: I'm cool for knowing jutsu hand signs!

When I found out the lucky people of the UK were getting Adventure Time Happy Meal toys I was super jealous! The whole set consists of 28 different Adventure Time characters and if you want to you can mix and match their heads and bodies to get even more cool looking figurines. I've seen these in videos, too, and as far as I can tell they look super nicely made! Adventure Time is one of my favorite things ever so these toys are definitely high up on my list.

High up is also Zootopia, or Zootropolis depending on where you live. Very much like with Baymax I would enjoy anything Zootopia related since the movie is in the category of the greatest things ever made. I even went to see it twice. If I could get any Zootopia merchandise I wanted, I would pick the Funko mystery minis simply because they look nice, feel nice and are nice (period).
Tokidoki figures are great as they are but when you combine tokidoki with Hello Kitty my impossible wants list catches fire ( o ). Just look at the Donutella Kitty (second row second) or the octo-Kitty (second to last), just LOOK at them!

Quite interestingly, also a Kinder Surprise figure got on my list. The golden hippo in the picture is Marylinchen, a limited edition surprise toy made to celebrate the 40th anniversary of Kinder eggs. Ferrero made 40K gold Marylinchens so it's not super extreme over-the-top rare but still, I don't think I'll find one thrifting.

I get really excited when I run into Sanrio figures other than Hello Kitty. Not because I don't like Hello Kitty but because she is so much more common than any of her friends. To be honest the famous cat isn't even my favorite of the bunch - 1st place goes to Gudetama, the lazy egg. The very concept of the character is so me that Gudetama climbed up on my list the first moment I saw him. Them. I don't know, it's an egg.

The latest addition to my unrealistic dream team is anything from the Disney Traditions line. I love the "old fashioned" finish of the figurines and just by looking at pictures I can tell that the quality is top notch. I would love to get my hands on Belle. Or Cinderella. Or maybe Aurora. Or Stitch. Every single figure is beyond words beautiful that's for sure.

So there you have it. These figures and toys may be mundane to some, but for me they exist firmly on the fun but unlikely realistic wishlist. And you know what, I don't really mind. Even though I drool over these things, I really don't feel like I have to own everything. It's so much fun to daydream and there's always YouTubers and fellow toy bloggers who share their finds and the resultant happiness with us

Speaking of finds, I spent half a day at a huge flea-market-type event last weekend and boy did I find things. I was already all settled for the next thrifted treasures and since I'm trying not to make my blog posts obscenely long (great success so far, pfft) I don't really know what to do, heh. Maybe a brief, haul-like thing? Here's a little sneak peek, yikes:
At least I'm not running out of things to write about!



perjantai 22. huhtikuuta 2016

Thrifted Treasures - part 2

There's a big, biannual flea market event taking place at my home town this weekend which is why I've lately been purposely avoiding thrifting. However, a few weeks ago a local child welfare organization hosted an all-things-children thrift event that was just too good to pass. Also, I might have bought a little something something online... Anyways, I have plenty to show in this second coming of TT!
The child welfare event took place at a shopping mall and was swarming with people from the moment the doors opened. Luckily, most shoppers were mainly interested in children's clothes and I could dig through the toy bins in peace. I could have easily spent triple the amount of money I spent, but I kept my cool and stayed reasonable. Well done me!

First, I found a set of fourteen PokéKids in very good condition. Fourteen! For 6 euros! Most often I see kids priced at 2 € a figure. There was even an attack figure in the lot (see my previous post on kid figures) so I was a pretty happy camper after finding these.
These five figures were amazingly from the same release, which is the Best Wishes: Pignite Set from 2011. Comically, the sets name character Pignite, the coffin Pokémon Cofagrigus and the multiplying Pokémon Reuniclus are all rocking the same pose. Purrloin and Darmanitan, on the other hand, have the same exact eyebrow shape and are both eye-candy worthy with their pretty colors. All of these, except for Cofagrigus, are the only Kid figures made of their representative Pokémon.

2011 was not only the year of Pignite but also Servine and Dewott got their own releases. I was really satisfied to find out my bag of Kids came with all the mid-evolutions of the Unova starters! Tranquill is from the Servine set and Victini from the Dewott set. Servine and Dewott figures are, too, the only Servine and Dewott Kids ever made.
I could have sworn this Roselia was an attack figure but sadly it isn't. It is too pretty though! It's from the very first Diamond and Pearl release from 2006 that includes the cute stretchy face Pikachu. Wouldn't mind finding that one too! Quite surprisingly the Magmortar here is, instead, an attack figure (Attack Pokémon Kids DP 2, 2009). Apparently it's about to blast out flamethrower which suits me totally fine don't get me wrong. This Yamask (Best Wishes: Reshiram Zekrom Set, 2010) is also the only Yamask Kid ever made.

Misdreavus is the oldest of the bunch, from the third set of New Pokémon Kids II from 2000. It's "hair" is pretty funky but I don't really mind, especially when it is in such good condition despite the figure's old age. Mime Jr. was the last figure in the Kids bag and it's from the 8th Diamond & Pearl release from 2008.

Mime Jr. is cute, I guess, but truthfully it is the Vaporeon that grabs my attention. I got it from another seller and it was a total steal priced at 1 € INCLUDING a Topps Lucario that I was also missing (see below). Vaporeon is indeed one of the top 25 Pokémon that I mentioned in my PokéKids blog post. This figure is from the National Pokédex 3 set from 2009 but there are in total six different Vaporeon Kids (+ clear versions) and uuuugh I want them all! I am not complaining though - this one is especially nice looking with the puppy-like playful pose. And again, it is in near-mint condition!

Since these new ones make up for most of my still very small Kids collection, I thought I might as well so the rest here too, even if these following Kids are not recent finds.
This Zapdos is by far my oldest Kid and I somewhat consider it as a grail of some sort. It's from 1998, from the fifth release of Kids AND my only clear Kid! AND a legendary. AND from the 1st generation. Oh the possibilities of collecting... Rampardos is in pretty worn-out condition but its pose is super dynamic and it's just fun to look at.  ◕‿◕ It's from the Diamond & Pearl 4 -set, from 2007.

Corsola and Buneary are also from my favorites list ❤ and that Pikachu is one of my favorite Pikachu Kids. I found Corsola and Buneary from a thrift shop that had sooo overpriced them but I still think I would have regretted not buying them. Corsola is from 2000 (New Pokémon Kids II 2) and Buneary is an attack Kid from 2009 (Attack Pokémon Kids DP 2). Oh, and the attack it's making is healing wish (cccuuuute!). The Pikachu I got from my dad ages ago and it's from 2002 (Advance 1 set).

These are all the PokéKids I've found so far. It's actually really exciting to have so few, since my collection could still go anywhere from here. And it still feels really special to find a new one.Next I would love to find a grass-type favorite since it's fo sheez my favorite type. Maybe a Bulbasaur or a Cherubi hm hm...

I already know this is going to be a monster of a post so let's keep on going:
The Lucario Topps figure (2007) came with the Vaporeon Kid and I did not have it yet so it was a nice bonus. The teensy Topps Taillow (2005) was a 20 cent find from basically a box of trash. The Koffing is an awesome find - it's from the first release of Tomy's Monster Collection and my second ever MonColle figure! Also, it was cheap, yesss. Besides, how cool is that smokey stand? Love it (even if it's a little too clear to be something that came out of a Koffing, hah)!
My final purchase of the day was one of the Zodiac Hello Kitty figures (by Dolci Preziosi). These came out of Hello Kitty surprise eggs this Easter and I was missing the scorpio, so this was definitely a happy find.
Like I've told, my dad also actively thrifts nice things for me. The credit for this 2009 Topps Hippowdon and the armless and tailless Electivire Zukan goes 100% to him. Zukan figures are really cool: zukan is Japanese for Pokédex and the figures are all in scale according to their Pokédex measurements. Can I just say the Wailord is HUGE!
The last but boy oh boy not the least treasures I've thrifted lately are these beautiful Zizzlinger Disney princesses I snatched from a second hand group on Facebook. Zizzlingers are quite hard to explain so it's best that you just watch this video. They were sold back in the day and I'm devastated that I wasn't a toy collector then because these are gorgeous! They are glittery, they are princesses, the sculpts and paint jobs are spot on and each figure looks completely different from the facial expression to the pose. I also adore the "secondary outfits" of Disney princesses and Zizzlingers is all about those from the end scene wedding dresses to the outfits shown for ten seconds during random songs. Aurora's peasant "Briar Rose" dress has to be one of my favorites. I have noticed it's really hard to find Zizzlingers, but that, sort of, makes the hunt even more exciting. I love these to bits.

Hope this wasn't too much of a TL;DR situation. What can I say, I like talking about the things I like.

Anyways, Google Analytics tells me I've got readers all the way from Venezuela to Russia and lots of places in between. Many of you come from e.g. Denmark, Switzerland and the UK. Like I said, I really enjoy the occasional toy-talk, now I just need to get you guys commenting for it to not be one sided. I know you're out there, the ball is in your court!
